Your general purposes in Berlin (job, studies, holidays)

Your general purposes in Berlin (job, studies, holidays)

I decided to leave my home city – London – last December. In hindsight, it probably was not the ideal time to move. However, despite the challenges it brought, the change of scene has made me want to stay and make Berlin my home.

I think it is always good to travel. Whether you have a good experience or a bad one… you will always learn something about yourself. When I first arrived in Berlin, it was a bit chilly. The weather, however, was not the issue but feeling lost and needing a job – going outside did not appeal. It began to make me feel more isolated. By the time January arrived, it was a whole new year and I had adopted a new attitude. So, after that first four weeks of exploration, I finally found my way and decided to do a German course at Kapitel Zwei.

Ich finde es sehr wichtig Deutsch zu lernen. You can’t feel part of a country and its culture unless you can speak and understand its language. I have always wanted to learn a language and I think everyone should speak one other than their Muttersprache. It is rude and inconsiderate not to do so – breaking down the language barrier makes you feel at home.

I managed to get a job within a month too. I work for a walking tour company part-time. No, it is not the job of my dreams, but I do have just about enough money to live on and time enough to explore Berlin. I did not come here to make my fortune, but to expand my horizons and gain new experiences.

Why did I leave London? Why Berlin? London has a lot to offer, but at a price. I found it too hectic, giving little opportunity to stop and think. I also felt that I was stuck in a routine and was no longer challenging myself. I had heard that Berlin had a lot to offer in the arts as well as socially. Like London, it is multi-cultural, but has a more relaxed pace of living with better housing at lower rents and a cheaper cost of living. I have not been disappointed with my new home – I am gaining confidence and improving my German!

Du willst erfolgreich Deutsch lernen?