Life and friendship in Berlin

Kapitel Zwei Berlin Brandenburger Tor

I moved to Berlin on September 13th from the United States and I started studying Deutsch at the GLS School in Kastanienallee near Eberswalder Straße and 3 months later at the visa office I met a girl named Ofe L. who was a former student at Kapitel Zwei school and began telling me about how great the school was and how well the teachers were and her German was very well spoken and ever since I finished my last week at GlS and immediately registered at Kapitel Zwei and it’s a really great school.

They really focus on a topic and make sure that you understand and the class is small. So it helps teachers interact with you more. My German has gotten much better in just one week! My main goal in Berlin is to achieve a fluent level of German – enough that I do not need classes anymore and can manage myself in German. I want to be able to speak German without a problem and even have full on conversations which I’m sure will happen all in good practice!

In my spare time

  • I’m usually learning to cook more as I am living on my own as well as
  • playing football: I play for a local Berlin team called FC Nordost.
  • I like to watch movies that are dubbed in German which is always good practice.
  • I enjoy reading what I can in my free time and
  • I like to spend time with my group of friends I met here.

Right now, I’m really focusing on learning the language well before I enter a university. Having a job might be a possibility. Having a job here will help better my fluency but for now I am focusing on German.

My friends here are from different cultures and countries which is very nice, because it gives me a chance to really learn about the world around Germany.

  • I have two friends from Italia named Christian and Lorenzo, who are studying German here as well. They are very interesting guys and speak German very well.
  • Furthermore, I would like to mention my good friend Aleksander who is from Poland. He is a very funny guy and proud of his country. Everyday he tells me about life in Poland.
  • I have a friend from Spain and her name is Alba. She’s the nicest person I’ve met here. She’s also a very good cook. She has made typical Spanish food for the group which makes us feel at home and that’s always a nice thing.
  • My friend Luis had just arrived from Panama. He is a brilliant guy. He loves all things technological and is a big film nerd. We always talk about movies and one of our favourite is the Lord of the Rings trilogy.
  • Our friend Adrienne also enjoys those – so we spend a couple hours talking about the movies and what we think of them. Adrienne is from Seattle, Washington. It’s nice having a friend from the States. We talk about hip hop music and news from back home especially politics.
  • We have our buddy Tim from Belgium who knows a very good amount of American culture. He loves talking about rap music and famous TV shows we have. It’s rare finding someone like that who knows a lot about our culture.
  • Last, but not least, there’s Ivveth Q. who is here all the way from Mexico.  She’s studying German and also loves to play football and have a good time with us. She’s very funny and always fun to talk to.

The group and I do plan on attending many many events in Berlin such as „Days of Dance“ which is a contemporary dance festival focusing on the discovery and support of upcoming choreographers and dancers based in Berlin.

Another event we planned on attending was „The International Green Week in Berlin“ which is considered a very big consumer fair for the food, agricultural, and horticultural industry. There’s so much to see and learn about Berlin and overall Germany I plan on really getting involved and look forward to my future here!

Do you want to learn German successfully?