Dates for the exam telc Deutsch in Berlin
What date does the telc Deutsch exam take place in Berlin at Kapitel Zwei? Here you can find all telc Deutsch exams’ dates plus registration deadlines. Please click on the respective link:
telc Deutsch A1 + A2 exam in Berlin at Kapitel Zwei takes place once a month on a Friday (subject to change without notice, additional dates are possible). You can register until 14 days before the exam’s day.
You will find the exam regulations here.
More information about the telc Deutsch A1 exam in Berlin can be found here.
More information about the telc Deutsch A2 exam in Berlin can be found here.
You can register up to 14 days before the day of the exam – subject to availability.
21/02/2025 |
21/03/2025 |
30/04/2025 (Wednesday) |
23/05/2025 |
20/06/2025 |
18/07/2025 |
15/08/2025 |
19/09/2025 |
17/10/2025 |
14/11/2025 |
12/12/2025 |
You will receive the result about 3-4 weeks after the exam.
Do you want to pass telc Deutsch?
telc Deutsch B1 exam in Berlin at Kapitel Zwei takes place every month on a Friday and/or Saturday (subject to change without notice, additional dates are possible). You can register until 14 days before the exam’s day.
You will find the exam regulations here.
More information about the telc Deutsch B1 exam in Berlin and the preparation course can be found here.
You can register up to 14 days before the day of the exam – subject to availability.
01/02/2025 (Saturday) |
07/02/2025 (Friday) |
19 + 20/02/2025 (Wednesday + Thursday) |
21/02/2025 (Friday) |
01/03/2025 (Saturday) |
07/03/2025 (Friday) |
19 + 20/03/2025 (Wednesday + Thursday) |
21/03/2025 (Friday) |
29/03/2025 (Saturday) |
04/04/2025 (Friday) |
26/04/2025 (Saturday) |
30/04/2025 (Mittwoch) |
09/05/2025 (Friday) |
17/05/2025 (Samstag) |
24/05/2025 (Saturday) |
06/06/2025 (Friday) |
04/07/2025 (Friday) |
05/07/2025 (Saturday) |
18/07/2025 (Friday) |
26/07/2025 (Samstag) |
You will receive the result about 3-4 weeks after the exam.
Do you want to pass telc Deutsch?
You will find the dates for the telc Deutsch B2 exam in Berlin at Kapitel Zwei. The exams take place once a month on a Friday and/or Saturday (subject to change without notice, additional dates are possible). You can register up to 14 days beforehand, as long as there are available places. We’re crossing our fingers for you and look forward to meeting you.
You will find the exam regulations here.
More information about the telc Deutsch B2 exam in Berlin and the preparation course can be found here.
You can register up to 14 days before the day of the exam – subject to availability.
Prüfungstag (Freitag oder Samstag) |
01/02/2025 (Samstag) |
14/02/2025 |
01/03/2025 (Samstag) |
14/03/2025 |
29/03/2025 (Samstag) |
11/04/2025 |
26/04/2025(Samstag) |
16/05/2025 |
24/05/2025(Samstag) |
13/06/2025 |
05/07/2025(Samstag) |
11/07/2025 |
You will receive the result about 3-4 weeks after the exam.
Do you want to pass telc Deutsch?
The exam telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule in Berlin at Kapitel Zwei takes place once a month on a Saturday and 3 times on a Friday (subject to change without notice, additional dates are possible). You can register until 14 days before the exam’s day.
You will find the exam regulations here.
More information about the telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule exam in Berlin and the preparation course can be found here.
Please note your preferred date for the telc C1 Hochschule examination in the comments field of the registration form.
You can register up to 14 days before the day of the exam – subject to availability.
Prüfungstag |
15/02/2025 (Samstag) |
28/02/2025 |
01/03/2025 (Samstag) |
15/03/2025 (Samstag) |
28/03/2025 |
12/04/2025 (Samstag) |
25/04/2025 |
17/05/2025 (Samstag) |
23/05/205 |
30/05/2025 |
27/06/2025 (Samstag) |
You will receive the result about 3-4 weeks after the exam.
Do you want to pass telc Deutsch?
The exam telc Deutsch C1 in Berlin at Kapitel Zwei takes place once a month on a Saturday (subject to change without notice, additional dates are possible). You can register until 14 days before the exam’s day.
You will find the exam regulations here.
More information about the telc Deutsch C1 exam in Berlin can be found here.
Please note your preferred date for the telc C1 examination in the comments field of the registration form.
You can register up to 14 days before the day of the exam – subject to availability.
Prüfungsdatum (Samstag) |
15/02/2025 |
15/03/2025 |
12/04/2025 |
17/05/2025 |
14/06/2025 |
12/07/2025 |
09/08/2025 |
13/09/2025 |
11/10/2025 |
08/11/2025 |
06/12/2025 |
You will receive the result about 3-4 weeks after the exam.
Do you want to pass telc Deutsch?
For further information on telc Deutsch exam A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 Hochschule or telc C1 send us an e-mail: berlin(at)