About us

We are Berlin, open-minded and communicative. We are the second chapter (“Kapitel Zwei”) of your life. We are a team and you can count on us. We will accompany you throughout your journey.

The following two attributes make us stand out: We have the necessary experience and expertise. We know the top locations of interest to you. However, we are also keen to explore new facets of Berlin together with you. We embrace change but also like consistency.

We are able to offer you the right location, the right German course, the right price, the right atmosphere to learn German in Berlin. You will be improving your German language skills step by step. Rest assured that you will have a great and productive time in the German capital.

You want to know more about us? Your wish is our command.

Owners and Managing Directors

In January 2012 we set up the German language school “Kapitel Zwei” (in English “Chapter Two”) to enable you a perfect start in Berlin.

Daniela Neicke

Daniela Neicke Kapitel Zwei

At Kapitel Zwei, Daniela Neicke is not only responsible for management, but also for her favorite area of strategic and operational marketing as well as all PR projects. She is also the contact person for personnel matters.

Daniela is a highly skilled all-rounder: The left side of her brain holds the key to her skills acquired as part of her apprenticeship in wholesale and foreign trade and deepened by her business studies at University of Potsdam where she did her M.A. in marketing. Her favourite pastime Swimming leaves her inspired and flying high. At work she manages the school, but at home her little family.

The right side of her brain enjoys cooking up a melting pot of German, Spanish, French and English, while drawing upon her romance studies. Daniela has gained vast experience in management and the language industry. She has worked all across Europe with previous workplaces ranging from Grimaud/St Tropez and Bordeaux in France and Valencia in Spain to Düsseldorf, Potsdam and Berlin. At the moment she is at home in Berlin-Neukölln.

Susanne Schübel

At Kapitel Zwei, Susanne Schübel is the office manager responsible for strategic course and exam planning and also works in HR and business development.

As a business graduate, she successfully completed her business studies at the Humboldt University in Berlin. Sustainability is very important to her.

As a counterbalance to everyday stress at work, she passionately spends a lot of time in the gym and is very interested in the vegan nutrition. The rest of her free time is all about crime novels and thrillers, as well as movies from A to Z. She now lives with her wife and child in her home district of Alt-Hohenschönhausen.

Our team

Course and examination management


Kapitel Zwei Berlin Daniela E

Daniela [E!] joined Kapitel Zwei’s busy course planning team in November 2023.

Her path led here through an au pair stay in beautiful Florence, studying art history and Italian philology in Berlin and Naples, internships and language courses in Genoa, Málaga and Tarragona, various projects and jobs in the Berlin art industry and ultimately working for several years in the language school sector, where she got to know and appreciate the international, diverse flair of this field of work.

Her journey so far has made her an art and culture-loving linguistic genius who not only speaks German, Italian, English, Spanish and French, but thanks to her musical enthusiasm and appropriately trained ear, she is also fluent in numerous dialects, such as Bavarian and “Hamburgish”/Low German or various foreign accents.

In Kapitel Zwei, the convinced cyclist looks for qualified and friendly teachers for our DAF courses, who she then supports, supervises and lends a helping hand to further ensure their – already – great lessons. At the same time, she is constantly working on optimising our course offerings and diligently coordinating ongoing courses and representations.


More to come shortly.


Kapitel Zwei Mathias

Mathias is our “sports friend”. He has been working at Kapitel Zwei since March 2021 and loves riding his bike to work in the morning.

Born in Rostock, growing up in Magdeburg on the Elbe, he made a name for himself in competitive sports in his younger years. Rowing lead him to numerous national and international competitions, enabled him to visit China, New Zealand, the USA and many other countries for competitions and training camps.

After completing his studies in European history with a minor in German, he was drawn to Asia for tourism. Holidays in Japan and Thailand were followed by a year-long stay in Japan in 2018. In Tokyo he taught English and at the same time got to know the metropolis and its people. The experiences in the language school over there brought him to Berlin and Kapitel Zwei, at the beginning of 2021.His language skills include German, fluent English, a little French and basic knowledge of Latin and Japanese.

In his spare time, Mathias likes to be active on inline skates or on his bike. But he also makes the best out of rainy days by relaxing with movies or video games.


Vera telc

More to come shortly.


Viviana has been an integral part of Kapitel Zwei and Berlin since 2014. She delighted our students and the teaching staff by joining us as a German as a foreign language teacher and licensed telc examiner.

Above all, she made the start in Germany easier for our students – not only from a linguistic point of view, but also interpersonally – especially by resolving any initial worries that arose alongside the lessons.

Before joing Kapitel Zwei, she was studying German and South Slavic studies at the University of Mannheim, and was also getting a taste of other subjects such as media and communication studies, psychology and Romance studies.

Berlin fascinates her with its enormous selection of culture and events. She is absolutely passionate about films. So we always find her at the Berlinale and on film sets. She was even allowed to get to know the film studios in Babelsberg and work as an extra in international series productions. You are welcome to get your autograph.

In May 2022 we snapped up Viviana to become part of the course management team. Since then she has taken over the co-organization of the telc exams in Berlin.

However, her longing for sun soon took over and she moved to her home office in Split / Croatia. Traveling and discovering new countries are among her favorite activities. But Berlin will continue to be a welcoming change from the quiet coastal life in the future.

B2B and B2C support and consulting

Assistance for course and exam management


Kapitel Zwei Katrin

Our versatile Katrin has been enriching the Kapitel Zwei team since March 2020. Thus, she was able to experience our company right from the beginning of the corona pandemic and bravely persevered.

We consider her to be our cool haven within our day-to-day business and is always willing to lend a sympathetic ear and offer advice.
Kapitel Zwei benefits from her many years of experience in customer service, e.g. at another educational institution and its affiliated language school.

In 2019 she made a short stopover in Lufthansa’s customer service. There she finds her second, great passion: traveling and getting to know new cultures. She originally studied architecture, but in the end, she lives out her creativity in the construction of new travel routes.
She particularly enjoys traveling in Eastern Europe and not by plane or bicycle, no, by train.

During a sabbatical, she would like to explore Russia, travelling on the Trans-Siberian Railway. And of course, in order to communicate better, she started learning Russian in 2020. Maybe you can help her? By the way, Katrin speaks fluent English as well as some French and Spanish.

In her spare time, she likes to be creative: she sews and makes patterns for her own hand-made clothing. She likes pottering about and tinkering.
You can also find her (outside of lockdown due to Corona) once a week in the various arthouse cinemas in the city, preferably in Art House and Independent Films.

Katrin is from Berlin – albeit without the typical accent – always likes to be on the go, but also loves being at home in Pankow.


Kapitel Zwei Berlin Visnja

More to come shortly.

Support and advice for private students

Assistance for course and exam management


Kapitel Zwei Katrin

Our versatile Katrin has been enriching the Kapitel Zwei team since March 2020. Thus, she was able to experience our company right from the beginning of the corona pandemic and bravely persevered.

We consider her to be our cool haven within our day-to-day business and is always willing to lend a sympathetic ear and offer advice.
Kapitel Zwei benefits from her many years of experience in customer service, e.g. at another educational institution and its affiliated language school.

In 2019 she made a short stopover in Lufthansa’s customer service. There she finds her second, great passion: traveling and getting to know new cultures. She originally studied architecture, but in the end, she lives out her creativity in the construction of new travel routes.
She particularly enjoys traveling in Eastern Europe and not by plane or bicycle, no, by train.

During a sabbatical, she would like to explore Russia, travelling on the Trans-Siberian Railway. And of course, in order to communicate better, she started learning Russian in 2020. Maybe you can help her? By the way, Katrin speaks fluent English as well as some French and Spanish.

In her spare time, she likes to be creative: she sews and makes patterns for her own hand-made clothing. She likes pottering about and tinkering.
You can also find her (outside of lockdown due to Corona) once a week in the various arthouse cinemas in the city, preferably in Art House and Independent Films.

Katrin is from Berlin – albeit without the typical accent – always likes to be on the go, but also loves being at home in Pankow.


Kapitel Zwei Berlin Sina

In 2010 she moved from a village of 20,000 residents in Lower Saxony to Berlin to study. Straight after four years, she was the proud owner of a bachelor title in ‘Italian studies‘ and from that even knows Economics and Law. She spent one year of her studies in Rome and hence understands how you feel and what it means to set foot in a foreign country and trying to find your way around.

Besides German and Italian, she also speaks English and French and is interested in the Arabic language. She has been working for Kapitel Zwei since October 2014, now part-time, and is a real treasure for our customer service. She looks forward to meeting students from all over the world and has much fun organising your desired course program, with or without accommodation.

In her free time, Sina is involved in animal welfare, especially with animals from Romania. Since May 2016 she is the proud adoptive mother of the school’s mascot Zeta. A small mixed breed dog. Apart from that, she is very fond of traveling and occasionally brings her inline-skates with her on her travels. You might see her in beautiful Prenzlauer Berg, but watch out, you might miss her as she speeds past you.


Kapitel Zwei Berlin Marcus

More to come shortly.


Kapitel Zwei Berlin Anja S

In June 2023, Anja finally came across Kapitel Zwei. We have dreamed of having another teammate like her for a long time: very friendly, patient, attentive, well-spoken, competent and there for you as a consultant.

Anja originally comes from Slovenia, where she studied German and comparative literature in Ljubljana. During her studies, she already had an interest in other foreign languages and literary translations (German and Slovenian) and has already tested her knowledge in several linguistic projects.

In 2019 she moved to Berlin – for an Erasmus internship at the “House for Poetry”. Like so many, she immediately fell in love with our city, so she ruled out returning to her homeland for the time being. We are very happy about it!

Since then, she has enjoyed both the linguistic and cultural diversity of Berlin. She tries to improve her Spanish, Serbo-Croatian and Arabic in daily encounters with native speakers.

She started studying Arabic studies at the Free University in October 2023. In her spare time she loves to travel. To escape the cold of Berlin, she visits the Mediterranean at least once a year. Otherwise, Anja enjoys walking through the green parts of the city, reading in the parks or cycling into the outskirts of Berlin.


Theresa has been delighting the Kapitel Zwei team and our Instagram account since April 2023. We benefit from her training as a foreign language correspondent. Her fingers just fly over the keyboard and her logical thinking and creativity also flow diligently into her everyday work.

She has always been interested in languages. That’s one reason she has lived in England. In addition to English, she is also learning Spanish and some Japanese. Feel free to test her skills! She also likes to travel and enjoys lovely stays in Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Italy, Denmark, Greece, Turkey and other countries.

In her spare time she also dedicates time to our beautiful German language. Imagine her writing her own fantasy novel! One day she will publish it and of course, a copy will be available at Kapitel Zwei.

When Theresa is not working at Kapitel Zwei, she studies German and Spanish.


Kapitel Zwei Berlin Bruna

Here we introduce our dear Bruna. Between us German potatoes, we finally have Brazilian influence in our team.

After studying social communication and working experience in journalism and public relations in Brazil, Bruna headed to Germany in 2021 as an au pair. Here we got to know her as a hard-working student in our German courses at Kapitel Zwei. We should have already hired her back then.

Luckily, our “daughter of the house” stayed with us in Berlin, gaining intensive professional experience at another German language center in order to use it successfully at Kapitel Zwei for you, since November 2023.

Instead of being a student, she now enters your language school as a permanent, positive soul and meets her former teachers every now and then. She fondly remembers the lessons back then and her German exams, which she successfully passed here. “Déjà vu” moments almost every day, she says.

She can therefore absolutely put herself in your shoes as a German learner. She had the same experience as a foreigner in Berlin and is always happy to help you with tips and tricks. From time to time you will meet her at our regulars’ tables (Get2gether).


More to come shortly.


Kapitel Zwei Yuwei

More to come shortly.


Kapitel Zwei Berlin Visnja

More to come shortly.


Kapitel Zwei Charly

More to come shortly.


Kapitel Zwei Tara

More to come shortly.


Kapitel Zwei Tabea

More to come shortly.

Areas of specialization



Kapitel Zwei Katrin

Unsere vielseitig begabte Katrin bereichert seit März 2020 das Team von Kapitel Zwei. Somit hat sie unser Unternehmen direkt zu Beginn der Corona-Pandemie erleben dürfen und tapfer durchgehalten.

Wir betrachten sie als unseren coolen Ruhepol im Tagesgeschäft mit einem steten offenen Ohr für Dich. Kapitel Zwei profitiert von ihrer jahrelangen Erfahrung in der Kundenbetreuung, z.B. bei einem anderen Bildungsträger sowie dessen angeschlossener Sprachschule.

In 2019 legt sie einen kurzen Zwischenstopp im Kundenservice der Lufthansa ein. Hier findet sie ihre zweite, große Leidenschaft wieder: das Reisen und Kennenlernen neuer Kulturen. Ursprünglich studierte sie Architektur, final lebt sie aber ihre Kreativität bei der Konstruktion neuer Reiserouten aus. Besonders gern ist sie in Osteuropa unterwegs und dass nicht mit dem Flugzeug oder Fahrrad, nein, mit dem Zug.

Während eines Sabbaticals möchte sie Russland mit der Transsibirischen Eisenbahn erkunden. Klar, um sich besser zu verständigen, startet sie in 2020 mit dem Russischlernen. Vielleicht kannst Du ihr helfen? Katrin spricht übrigens auch fließend Englisch sowie etwas Französisch und Spanisch.

In ihrer Freizeit ist sie gern kreativ: Sie näht und fertigt Schnittkonstruktionen für eigene, handgefertigte Kleidungsstücke an. Sie werkelt und bastelt gern. Darüber hinaus findest Du sie (außerhalb eines Lockdowns wegen Corona) 1x pro Woche in den verschiedenen Programmkinos der Stadt, am liebsten in Arthouse und Independent- Filmen.

Katrin ist Berlinerin, – wenn auch ohne Dialekt – immer gerne unterwegs, aber genauso gerne auch zu Hause in Pankow.


Shift planning
Longest employed staff member

2010 ist sie aus einem 20.000-Einwohnerdorf in Niedersachsen nach Berlin gezogen, um hier zu studieren. Direkt 4 Jahre später war sie stolze Besitzerin eines Bachelortitels im Bereich ‘Italienstudien’ und kennt sich hierdurch sogar in Wirtschaft und Recht aus. Ein Jahr ihres Studiums verbrachte Sina in Rom und weiß dadurch, wie Du Dich fühlst und was es heißt, in einem fremden Land Fuß zu fassen und sich zu orientieren.

Neben Deutsch und Italienisch spricht sie auch Englisch und Französisch und interessiert sich für die arabische Sprache. Seit Oktober 2014 arbeitet sie für Kapitel Zwei, inzwischen in Teilzeit, und ist für die Kundenberatung ein wahrer Goldschatz. Sie freut sich auf Schüler|innen aus aller Welt und hat viel Spaß Dir das gewünschte Kursprogramm mit oder ohne Unterkunft zu organisieren.

In ihrer Freizeit engagiert sich Sina für den Tierschutz, vor allem für Tiere aus Rumänien. Seit Mai 2016 ist sie stolze Adoptivmama unseres Schulmaskottchens Zeta. Der kleine Mischlingshund, direkt von den Straßen Rumäniens, läuft nun schwanzwedelnd auf unserem Flur entlang. Ansonsten reist sie sehr gern und hat dabei auch öfter Inline-Skates an. Im schönen Prenzlauer Berg kannst Du sie vielleicht antreffen, wenn sie Dir nicht davon rollt.



Kapitel Zwei Berlin Marcus

More to come shortly.


Social Media

More to come shortly.


telc Management

Kapitel Zwei Berlin Nils

More to come shortly.



Kapitel Zwei Fynn

He’s a fun-loving, extremely ambitious, dedicated IT specialist and has helped Kapitel Zwei from the outset. Our complete customer database and the application-specific front, we owe to his extraordinary talent for programming and his patience. He continuously improves and developes our application tools. Thus, you can register more easily and we can operate more student-centered. In addition, he supports the maintenance and care of our current web presence and gives advice on future projects.

As an Economist Graduate within the field  of Information and Communication Technologies, he makes his IT affinity his profession. Some years ago he successfully completed his Economics degree majoring inBusiness Computer Science at the Humboldt University of Berlin. His field of expertise is the application-oriented Database Programming.

Fynn inspires the  Kapitel Zwei team with his natural person and his visits to our  „Stammtischen“. He lives and loves big city life, especially Berlin. He also enjoys a sporting challenge, such as surfing, snowboarding, kite surfing and wakeboarding. He gives it his all and  this creates a perfect balance to his professional life.



Sabrina has been working at Kapitel Zwei since April 2017 – part-time and for the most part at the weekends. She answers all your questions online and does qualitatively valuable work in the course management sector.

Sabrina is a fully-fledged resident of Berlin and loves this city. She moved from the idyllic town of Werder following her dual Bachelor degree specialising in Trade and commerce to the HWR Berlin, then to Potsdam and finally Berlin. She has trained as an actuary (Chamber of industry and commerce) as well as having completed a degree in business studies.

She has to date always worked with people. This includes her job as a waitress, which spanned ten years. We appreciate her patience, her professional friendly attitude and her eye for detail. Kapitel Zwei simply had to welcome her into our team.

She is passionate about Asia. She loves to travel with her rucksack and is fascinated by real life in other countries. In this area again she also benefits from her desire to glance behind the scenes. The Philippines, Thailand and Sri Lanka are still on her list. In her free time she does power sport, not many can keep pace with her.